03 Let’s talk about skin!

Have you ever felt self-conscious about pimples or acne? Has this uncomfortable feeling caused you to think negatively about yourself? Or cause you to become paranoid at the thought of seeing people? And even get to the point where you don’t want to leave the comfort of your home because you’re too ‘ashamed’ at what people may say or think? 

I went through a season just like this.

I never had issues with my skin until I turned 19. My first experience of mild acne was in 2018. I received some professional help from my doctor who put me on some antibiotics. These worked for a while and my skin was back to ‘normal’ (what even is ‘normal’ ?!) . However, at the start of 2020 the mild acne resurfaced and it continued to worsen. 


The condition of my skin negatively transformed the way I perceived myself.  It started to affect and change my mood. It even had an affect on how I interacted with people- I became more angry, I had a short fuse and I could tell the people closest to me didn’t enjoy being in my company! 

I didn’t realise that my skins (physical) health was directly related to my mental health. 
Individuals can only see ‘bad skin’ from the outside. But really, the problem lies on the inside. Skin conditions can be an indicator that our emotional & mental well-being is in need of improvement. Stress, anxiety, comparison, fatigue etc. all play a part in the downward spiral of mental and physical health. 


A study shows that 90% of individuals who suffer from acne/skin conditions have a lowered self-esteem and self-confidence, 54% reported anxiety and helplessness, and 43% reported depression. More than half said they avoided face-to-face contact. These statistics are proof that this is a very important conversation worth having. 

A balance of ALL 5 areas of health is needed to reach optimal health & well-being: Physical, Mental, emotional, social and spiritual. This means that you need to look after your mind as regularly as you look after your physical health. We exercise and eat well to be healthy yet, we still won’t reach optimal health if we don’t also prioritise our mental health. 




We live in a world that normalises & idolises a busy life. Being busy causes stress. Stress causes all types of health issues and also is one of the leading causes of acne. Set an amount of time every day where you can just relax. Going slow is good. Uncluttering your schedule is good. Setting time aside for yourself is GOOD!


Negative self-talk played a massive part in the reason why I thought so low of myself. Something I consistently repeated to myself was that “I’ll be happier and in a better mood once my skin is better” or “I will be happy with the way I look once my skin is clear”. 

The cycle never ends! Once you form these types of negative thinking habits, you’ll realize that when ‘your skin is better’, you’ll use a different excuse and blame your lack of joy on one of your other perceived flaws.

Sometimes a change in perspective is all you need! When you have a negative thought of yourself, immediately replace this thought with the truth.

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I think this is a tip that may creep it’s way into every blog post I write haha. 

Some mornings I would wake up, look in the mirror, and just cry. I disliked what I saw and I felt helpless as my skin condition was out of my control and everything I was doing wasn’t helping it.
During these times, I found that writing a list of things that I was grateful for really helped. It helped me to take my eyes off of myself and my concerns and helped me to refocus my energy and thoughts on things that made life awesome!
People who regularly practice gratitude experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems. Keep a gratitude journal and write 3 things a day you are grateful for. Keep it real and specific. This exercise isn’t time consuming and it is very effective. 


Stress confuses things and causes you to not have the ability to think clearly. You can easily be in a better state of mind after taking a few deep breaths & slowing down. 
Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. This is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body. A great and easy technique is to close your eyes, breath in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds and breath out for 5 seconds. Repeat this until you can feel your heart rate slowing down and you feel more relaxed. 


I truely believe that I wouldn’t be where I am or who I am today without the people I have in my life.
There was only a small minority of people (my partner, Nat, my parents and a few close friends) who knew how I truly felt whilst dealing with my skin concern. Their support and encouragement meant the world!
Leave no room for negativity in a tough season! Stay close to people who are uplifting and positive. Having these sorts of people in my world is important to me and I never want to take it for granted!


You are beautiful in ways you are not able to see. 
I had to make a conscious decision to be happy in my skin- to choose not to wait for my skin to be ‘better’ to be happier… but to be happy regardless of what my exterior appearance may look like. I had to decide to learn to love who I am, where I am, AS I AM. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t do things to improve your skin! I am actively doing things to improve my skin. But, it doesn’t mean I need to be unhappy whilst I wait. I’m learning to be patient and content in my present situation. 




Less is better. Steer away from a complicated skin care routine! Simplify!!! I use QV foaming cleanser & moistureiser


  • Tea tree oil is great. It has both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. I found this helped when treating inflammatory acne lesions, such as pimples.

  • A hot face washer does wonders! We are told that ‘popping pimples’ is bad as this just causes the bacteria and pus from the infected pore to spread to surrounding pores in the area. The heat from Applying a warm compress (face washer) can help to open up pores, which may draw the pimple closer to the skin's surface and create a head. The formation of a head enables the sebum, cells, and bacteria to exit the skin (popping the pimple hehe).


I am not a professional or an expert so, please see your GP if you have acne & wish to improve it. These are just a few things that I found helped me personally & I am beyond grateful for the medical help I have received on my skin journey. 
My dermatologist prescribed me to a low dose of Roaccuatane to help improve my skin. I believe that seeking medical advice is just as important as the things that I can do for myself. A balance of both is needed! Health care professionals are here to help- so, it is absolutely necessary to utilise their help!


One more thing- Despite how you may feel, never forget that clear skin does not make you ‘pretty’ or ‘beautiful’. Being your true & authentic self shines far beyond the eye can see & this is what makes you beautiful. 

Harmony xox 


04 My journaling style: 3 Steps to opening your life to JOY.


02 Improving your body image